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Songs, Stories and More Added to Bing: Watch, Play, Learn

Ad-free dedicated Bing app now includes audio offering and new trial opportunity

London, 25th May 2023 – Acamar Films, the producer and distributor of the award-winning animated pre-school series Bing, has released an updated version of its dedicated Bing app, Bing: Watch, Play, Learn. Developed for little fingers and growing minds, Bing: Watch, Play, Learn is a toddler-friendly destination for Bing episodes, games and activities. Still free from advertising, the new version of the app now includes new audio content such as Bing audio stories, songs and playlists. Families can explore the entire offering of the app for free for seven days after which they can decide to subscribe for full-content access or enjoy the limited version without payment. Bing: Watch, Play, Learn is available on Amazon, Android and iOs

“We’ve taken great care to ensure that Bing: Watch, Play, Learn truly makes sense for young children, meeting their abilities and engaging their attention. For those looking for a way to entertain their toddler safely while also supporting their development, or for those who have Bingsters in their life that can’t seem to get enough of their favourite characters, Bing: Watch, Play, Learn is an ideal destination for games, episodes, audio and more.” Said Claire Brossard, Executive Director, Digital Strategy, Acamar Films.

The UK version of Bing: Watch, Play, Learn contains all 104 Bing episodes available to stream, download or cast to a television. The app also features themed as well as timed, back-to-back collections of Bing episodes. Grown-ups can select a specific length of time for their children to watch the animated series that follows three-year-old Bing as he encounters the many firsts and unexpected experiences of pre-school life. 

The UK version also includes 27 skill-building games for toddlers which cover a wide variety of play types including a dress up game where children can decide on outfits for Bing, Sula, Coco and Pando. Other game formats include pairing games for exercising memory, search and find games as well as a rhythm-action skipping game. 

Those that wish to try Bing: Watch, Play, Learn can download the app from the Amazon and Apple App Store or Google Play for free. Families will have seven days to try out the full functionality of the app before deciding if they want to subscribe. Subscribers can choose between a monthly subscription for £1.99 a month or a yearly subscription for £7.99. 

Outside of the UK, the app is localised and available in a variety of international territories including Italy, the Netherlands and Canada. The full offering of the app will differ from territory to territory depending on the content distribution agreements already in place. Games, activities and music will be available across all versions of the app. Bing: Watch, Play, Learn has been downloaded over 2.8 million times since the initial launch in the app in September 2019. 


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Acamar Films Limited
Ground Floor
The Rotunda
42-43 Gloucester Crescent
London NW1 7DL

Tel: 020 3675 7450